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Relatóriu Anuál 2021

Ho haksolok ami aprezenta Relatóriu Anuál ACbit nian ba tinan 2021. Ne’e inklui dokumentasaun sira husi eventu no programa sira ne ‘ ebé realiza iha periodu tinan ida tomak, maske hasoru dezafiu sira hanesan pandemia Global Covid-19 no inundasaun, maibe ami nafatin iha komitmentu bo’ot hodi atu servisu ba sobrevivente sira, atu iha loron ida sira mos senti katak Luta ba ukun rasik a’an nudar luta koletivu no ema hotu iha direitu atu goza vitória popular ida ne’e;

Bele haré dokumentu kompletu iha ne’e :

Relatoriu_Annual_2021_( Versaun Tetum)

About ACbit

The saying “Chega Ba Ita” underlines our belief that the CAVR report was written based on the experiences and voices of the people, for the people. It is not a document that should be shelved and forgotten. It is a living document to be understood, debated, and re-invented for generations to come.

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