Date: August 9, 2023
On 1-3 August 2023, ACbit held a training on “Strengthening the Role of Dinamizadora to accompany and support women survivors of past conflicts” for 23 women dinamizadora from 10 municipalities such as Ainaro, Aileu, Baucau, Bobonaro, Covalima, Dili, Ermera, Lautem, Manufahi, and Viqueque.
Dinamizadora is the eyes, ears, heart, and bridge for women survivors who are in the dark and who don’t have access to health care and other social problems. The role of the dinamizadora is very important to approach women survivors of past conflicts as well as other marginalized groups such as LGBTIQ, and people with Disabilities to hear their concerns and find solutions to the problems they face.
Maria de Fátima, Dinamizadora woman from Baucau municipality, said, “I hope that in the future I want to share important information about access to the assistance programs from the government for women survivors who don’t access any information”.
During these three days, the dinamizadora learned about how to organize the women survivors to develop their creativity in groups and as individuals, as well as the importance of communication and lobbying. Apart from that, ACbit team also made an action plan with dinamizadora in order to implement it for women survivors in their municipalities.
This activity is the first phase; after two months, ACbit will invite the dinamizadora to participate in the next meeting in Dili to share the results and obstacles that they face when they implement the action plans in their municipalities.
This activity was funded by Misereor as part of the “Empowering marginalized women victims of conflict through improving access to services and community support” project. As well as the project “Strengthening women survivors and victims of past and present violations by fulfilling their rights,” which was funded by Yayasan Hivos.